Chemical and Power Industry Trends

Surging Popularity of Barbecued Foods Fueling Charcoal Sales in North America

The ballooning popularity of barbecuing and grilling is pushing up the demand for charcoal in North America. With the growing public awareness about health and fitness, the adoption of healthy lifestyles and eating habits is rising sharply in the region. This is consequently fueling the demand for grilled and barbecued food items, as they are easy to prepare, low in fat, and retain most of their nutritional content after cooking. 

Moreover, the rising culture of hosting get-togethers with friends and family in the open is boosting the demand for these foods in the region. Apart from this, the extensive usage of activated charcoal in water treatment processes is also propelling the demand for charcoal in North America. Due to the increasing pollution of water bodies, the governments of several North American countries are enacting strict laws regarding waste treatment and water treatment control.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency and various other agencies and regulatory bodies in the region are recommending using activated charcoal as a cost-effective agent to eliminate toxic materials and chemical impurities from water. Activated charcoal removes these impurities from water via surface absorption. Due to this factor, the demand for charcoal is surging sharply in the region, which is, in turn, driving the advancement of the North American charcoal market.

As a result, the market is predicted to generate a revenue of $466.6 million by 2030. Sugar, Japanese, lump, and briquettes are the major types of charcoal used in North America. Out of these, the demand for lump charcoal was found to be the highest in the region in 2020, and this trend is predicted to continue in the coming years as well. This is credited to the extensive utilization of this charcoal variant in metallurgical processes. 

In North America, the demand for charcoal was found to be the highest in the U.S during the past few years, and the situation will not change in the future, as per the estimates of the market research firm, P&S Intelligence. This will be due to the material’s eco-friendliness and the surging popularity of grilled food items in the country. Additionally, the extensive usage of the material in restaurants and specialty bakeries is also fueling its sales in the country. 

Hence, it is safe to say that the demand for charcoal will shoot up in North America in the coming years, primarily because of the mushrooming popularity of grilled and barbecued food items and the soaring usage of activated charcoal in water treatment plants in the region.


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